We’re very excited to show you our most recent projects! Take a look at this Taco Bell Special Rewards box. The design work carved into the top presents itself even better than we might have hoped! Can we do something special for you? A new retail package? Promotional offer? New product? Give us a call (1-800-899-4265) or fill out our Request a Quote. Let’s create something special!
Get Your Smile On!
Reveal™ Clear Aligners are a new way to straighten your smile. We provided a new way to get them to their customer and store them! Which means their package (and logo!) will be a constant reminder to the customer! Let us do the same for you. We can create a product package which is something to keep, not discard, a constant reminder of your product in their home. Call now at 1-800-899-4265 or fill out our Request a Quote to find out if we can make you smile (with a new package)!

Reveal™ Clear Aligners in a MinnMade Package
Customer SpotLight: Joseph’s
Joseph’s Famous Pies
Stillwater MN
A dinner at Joseph’s without a slice (or two) of one of their incredible pies is just not thinkable! Each pie, (up to 20 kinds) are made from scratch daily, right in their kitchens by their professionally trained bakers. The questions was, how to get these pies into the customers homes? They could have used your typical paperboard/cardboard throw-away packaging or they could find a better solution.
Joseph approached us about creating something special. We feel we hit a home run with our solution! A pie-sized package which is solid and will last! The durable construction of this box will allow it to outlast many pies. They encourage their customers to use it over and over and continue enjoying Joseph’s pies at home!
Thanks to Joseph and their staff for trusting us to come up with a package which is as deserving of praise as is their pies!
Behind the Curtain @ WDI
Without our dedicated and unique employees, all of our machines and automated processes mean nothing. We build custom products and to do so requires a custom workforce, dedicated to the job and to our customers. We also try to have a little fun from time to time! We would like to introduce you to Nick.
Nick has been with the company for 8 years. He is in charge of special projects, which can be fun, but also involves cleaning up messes. He also finds time to “play” with the CNC router. Talk about a big-boy toy!
He enjoys golfing any chance he gets. If you are in the neighborhood and looking for a golf partner, Nick might be available! He recently got married (this past October) in Arizona and he and his wife have the cutest little dog named Nino!
His favorite TV shows are “The Office” and “Parks and Recreation”.
Fun Fact: He had the best golf score of his life on his wedding day!

Previous Puzzle
I have cities, but no houses. I have mountains, but no trees. I have water, but no fish. What am I?
Answer: A Map
Dan & Jim
WDI Company