Well according to the experts at 99Designs (https://99designs.com/blog/trends/packaging-design-trends/) it’s:
1-Tiny illustrated patterns
2-Authentically vintage
3-Hyper-simplistic geometry
4-Packaging dressed in fine art
5-Technical and anatomical ink drawings
6-Organically shaped color blocking
7-Product names front and center
8-Picture-perfect symmetry
9-Story-driven packaging featuring quirky characters
10-Solid all-over color
Whatever designs you put on your #RetailPackage, make sure the package itself can hold up its end of the deal! See what WDI can do for you! From #SolidWood to #Composite #MinnMade, we have a #CustomWood package for you! See more at https://www.wdi-retailpackaging.com. #ProductPackaging #PromoPackaging #SpecialtyPackaging
Cafe Sabarsky Value Box Chocolates AmanyZ Purse Red MinnMade Cigar Box