WDI Company has three different areas of business in the wood manufacturing industries. As we evolved with our clients, we realized our customers grouped themselves into three different areas.
Our Retail Packaging business is where you are (www.wdi-retailpackaging.com). We have two main product offerings in our Retail Packaging business. The first and most prevalent is a solid wood retail package. All of our retail packaging is custom made. We build EXACTLY what you want. We don’t start with a generic product and adapt it to your needs, we start fresh every time! Shinola was our largest client for a number of years (www.shinola.com). We made their wood watch boxes and also developed our MinnMade product line to meet some additional requirements from Shinola.
Our legacy business (and still a strong part of our overall portfolio) is our Custom Wood (www.wdicustomwood.com) division. We started out many years ago creating plaques, trophies and awards as well as component parts and displays. We still do! If you need a display, full size or desktop, specialty item or promotional piece, please give us a call, email or if you prefer, you can go right to our online quote request form!
We also have developed a Window Trim Kit service, We work with window installation companies to allow them to efficiently and economically install replacement windows which are prebuild and finished. Allowing for a better quality fit in a quicker installation and with a factory finish to match existing trim. Visit www.wdi-windowtrimkits.com for more information.
Thanks for learning a little more about WDI!